Source code for audible.login

import base64
import hashlib
import io
import json
import logging
import re
import secrets
import uuid
from import Callable
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Any
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlencode

import httpx
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString, Tag
from PIL import Image

from .metadata import encrypt_metadata, meta_audible_app

logger = logging.getLogger("audible.login")

    "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_0 like Mac OS X) "
    "AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148"

[docs] def default_captcha_callback(captcha_url: str) -> str: """Helper function for handling captcha.""" captcha = httpx.get(captcha_url).content f = io.BytesIO(captcha) img = guess = input("Answer for CAPTCHA: ") return str(guess).strip().lower()
[docs] def default_otp_callback() -> str: """Helper function for handling 2-factor authentication.""" guess = input("OTP Code: ") return str(guess).strip().lower()
[docs] def default_cvf_callback() -> str: """Helper function for handling cvf verifys. Amazon sends a verify code via Mail or SMS. """ guess = input("CVF Code: ") return str(guess).strip().lower()
[docs] def default_approval_alert_callback() -> None: """Helper function for handling approval alerts.""" print("Approval alert detected! Amazon sends you a mail.") input("Please press ENTER when you approve the notification.")
[docs] def playwright_external_login_url_callback(url: str) -> str: """Helper function for login using playwright.""" from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright # type: ignore[import-not-found] # noqa: I001 with sync_playwright() as p: iphone = p.devices["iPhone 12 Pro"] browser = p.webkit.launch(headless=False) context = browser.new_context(**iphone) cookies = [] for name, value in build_init_cookies().items(): cookies.append({"name": name, "value": value, "url": url}) context.add_cookies(cookies) page = browser.new_page() page.goto(url) while True: page.wait_for_timeout(600) if "/ap/maplanding" in page.url: response_url: str = page.url break browser.close() return response_url
[docs] def default_login_url_callback(url: str) -> str: """Helper function for login with external browsers.""" try: return playwright_external_login_url_callback(url) except ImportError: pass message = f"""\ Please copy the following url and insert it into a web browser of your choice: {url} Now you have to login with your Amazon credentials. After submit your username and password you have to do this a second time and solving a captcha before sending the login form. After login, your browser will show you an error page (Page not found). Do not worry about this. It has to be like this. Please copy the url from the address bar in your browser now. IMPORTANT: If you are using MacOS and have trouble insert the login result url, simply import the readline module in your script. Please insert the copied url (after login): """ print(dedent(message)) return input()
def _extract_message_from_box(box: Tag) -> str: message = "" header = box.find("h4") if isinstance(header, Tag) and header.string: message += header.string.strip() for list_item in box.find_all("li"): if isinstance(list_item, Tag) and isinstance(list_item.find("span"), Tag): list_entry = list_item.find("span") if isinstance(list_entry, Tag) and list_entry.string: message += " " + list_entry.string.strip() return message def _get_messages_in_soup(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> dict[str, str]: messages = {} error_box = soup.find(id="auth-error-message-box") if isinstance(error_box, Tag): error_message = _extract_message_from_box(error_box) if error_message: messages["error"] = error_message warning_box = soup.find(id="auth-warning-message-box") if isinstance(warning_box, Tag): warning_message = _extract_message_from_box(warning_box) if warning_message: messages["warning"] = warning_message ap_error = soup.find(id="ap_error_page_message") if isinstance(ap_error, Tag): ap_error_message = ap_error.find(recursive=False, text=True) if isinstance(ap_error_message, NavigableString): messages["aperror"] = ap_error_message.strip() return messages
[docs] def get_soup(resp: httpx.Response, log_errors: bool = True) -> BeautifulSoup: soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, "html.parser") if log_errors: soup_messages = _get_messages_in_soup(soup) if "error" in soup_messages: logger.error("Error message: %s", soup_messages["error"]) if "warning" in soup_messages: logger.warning("Warning message: %s", soup_messages["warning"]) if "aperror" in soup_messages: logger.error("Error message: %s", soup_messages["aperror"]) return soup
[docs] def get_inputs_from_soup( soup: BeautifulSoup, search_field: dict[str, str] | None = None ) -> dict[str, str]: """Extracts hidden form input fields from a Amazon login page.""" search_field = search_field or {"name": "signIn"} form = soup.find("form", search_field) or soup.find("form") if not isinstance(form, Tag): raise Exception("No form found in page or something other is going wrong.") inputs = {} for field in form.find_all("input"): try: inputs[field["name"]] = "" if field["type"] and field["type"] == "hidden": inputs[field["name"]] = field["value"] except BaseException: # noqa: S110 pass return inputs
[docs] def get_next_action_from_soup( soup: BeautifulSoup, search_field: dict[str, str] | None = None ) -> tuple[str, str]: search_field = search_field or {"name": "signIn"} form = soup.find("form", search_field) or soup.find("form") if not isinstance(form, Tag): raise Exception("No form found in page or something other is going wrong.") method = form.get("method", "GET") url = form["action"] if not isinstance(method, str) or not isinstance(url, str): raise Exception("Error during extraction of next action in page.") return method, url
[docs] def create_code_verifier(length: int = 32) -> bytes: verifier = secrets.token_bytes(length) return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(verifier).rstrip(b"=")
[docs] def create_s256_code_challenge(verifier: bytes) -> bytes: m = hashlib.sha256(verifier) return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(m.digest()).rstrip(b"=")
[docs] def build_device_serial() -> str: return uuid.uuid4().hex.upper()
[docs] def build_client_id(serial: str) -> str: client_id = serial.encode() + b"#A2CZJZGLK2JJVM" return client_id.hex()
[docs] def build_oauth_url( country_code: str, domain: str, market_place_id: str, code_verifier: bytes, serial: str | None = None, with_username: bool = False, ) -> tuple[str, str]: """Builds the url to login to Amazon as an Audible device.""" if with_username and domain.lower() not in ("de", "com", ""): raise ValueError( "Login with username is only supported for DE, US " "and UK marketplaces!" ) serial = serial or build_device_serial() client_id = build_client_id(serial) code_challenge = create_s256_code_challenge(code_verifier) base_url = f"{domain}/ap/signin" return_to = f"{domain}/ap/maplanding" assoc_handle = f"amzn_audible_ios_{country_code}" page_id = "amzn_audible_ios" if with_username: base_url = f"{domain}/ap/signin" return_to = f"{domain}/ap/maplanding" assoc_handle = f"amzn_audible_ios_lap_{country_code}" page_id = "amzn_audible_ios_privatepool" oauth_params = { "openid.oa2.response_type": "code", "openid.oa2.code_challenge_method": "S256", "openid.oa2.code_challenge": code_challenge, "openid.return_to": return_to, "openid.assoc_handle": assoc_handle, "openid.identity": "" "identifier_select", "pageId": page_id, "accountStatusPolicy": "P1", "openid.claimed_id": "" "identifier_select", "openid.mode": "checkid_setup", "openid.ns.oa2": "", "openid.oa2.client_id": f"device:{client_id}", "openid.ns.pape": "", "marketPlaceId": market_place_id, "openid.oa2.scope": "device_auth_access", "forceMobileLayout": "true", "openid.ns": "", "openid.pape.max_auth_age": "0", } return f"{base_url}?{urlencode(oauth_params)}", serial
[docs] def build_init_cookies() -> dict[str, str]: """Build initial cookies to prevent captcha in most cases.""" token_bytes = secrets.token_bytes(313) frc = base64.b64encode(token_bytes).decode("ascii").rstrip("=") map_md_dict = { "device_user_dictionary": [], "device_registration_data": {"software_version": "35602678"}, "app_identifier": {"app_version": "3.56.2", "bundle_id": ""}, } map_md_str = json.dumps(map_md_dict) map_md = base64.b64encode(map_md_str.encode()).decode().rstrip("=") amzn_app_id = "MAPiOSLib/6.0/ToHideRetailLink" return {"frc": frc, "map-md": map_md, "amzn-app-id": amzn_app_id}
[docs] def check_for_captcha(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> bool: """Checks a Amazon login page for a captcha form.""" captcha = soup.find("img", alt=lambda x: x and "CAPTCHA" in x) return True if captcha else False
[docs] def extract_captcha_url(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> str: """Returns the captcha url from a Amazon login page.""" captcha = soup.find("img", alt=lambda x: x and "CAPTCHA" in x) if not isinstance(captcha, Tag) or not isinstance(captcha["src"], str): raise Exception("Error during extracting the captcha url.") return captcha["src"]
[docs] def check_for_mfa(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> bool: """Checks a Amazon login page for a multi-factor authentication form.""" mfa = soup.find( "form", id=lambda x: x and ("verification-code-form" in x or "auth-mfa-form" in x), ) return True if mfa else False
[docs] def check_for_choice_mfa(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> bool: """Checks a Amazon login page for a MFA selection form.""" mfa_choice = soup.find("form", id="auth-select-device-form") return True if mfa_choice else False
[docs] def check_for_cvf(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> bool: cvf = soup.find("div", id="cvf-page-content") return True if cvf else False
[docs] def check_for_approval_alert(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> bool: """Checks a Amazon login page for an approval alert.""" approval_alert = soup.find(id="resend-approval-alert") or soup.find( id="resend-approval-form" ) return True if approval_alert else False
[docs] def extract_code_from_url(url: httpx.URL) -> str: """Extracts the access token from url query after login.""" parsed_url = parse_qs(url.query.decode()) return parsed_url["openid.oa2.authorization_code"][0]
[docs] def is_valid_email(obj: str) -> bool: valid_mail = r"^[a-z0-9]+[\._-]?[a-z0-9]+[@]\w+[.]\w+$" if re.match(valid_mail, obj): return True return False
[docs] def login( username: str, password: str, country_code: str, domain: str, market_place_id: str, serial: str | None = None, with_username: bool = False, captcha_callback: Callable[[str], str] | None = None, otp_callback: Callable[[], str] | None = None, cvf_callback: Callable[[], str] | None = None, approval_callback: Callable[[], Any] | None = None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Login to Audible by simulating an Audible App for iOS. Args: username: The Amazon email address. password: The Amazon password. country_code: The country code for the Audible marketplace to login. domain: domain: The top level domain for the Audible marketplace to login. market_place_id: The id for the Audible marketplace to login. serial: The device serial. If ``None`` a custom one will be created. with_username: If ``True`` login with Audible username instead of Amazon account. captcha_callback: A custom Callable for handling captcha requests. If ``None`` :func:`default_captcha_callback` is used. otp_callback: A custom Callable for providing one-time passwords. If ``None`` :func:`default_otp_callback` is used. cvf_callback: A custom Callable for providing the answer for a CVF code. If ``None`` :func:`default_cvf_callback` is used. approval_callback: A custom Callable for handling approval alerts. If ``None`` :func:`default_approval_alert_callback` is used. Returns: An ``authorization_code``, a ``code_verifier`` and the ``device serial`` from the authorized Client. Raises: Exception: If authorization_code is not in response url. """ if with_username: base_url = f"{domain}""Login with Audible username.") else: if not is_valid_email(username): logger.warning("Username %s is not a valid mail address.", username) base_url = f"{domain}""Login with Amazon Account.") default_headers = { "User-Agent": USER_AGENT, "Accept-Language": "en-US", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip", } init_cookies = build_init_cookies() session = httpx.Client( base_url=base_url, headers=default_headers, cookies=init_cookies, follow_redirects=True, ) code_verifier = create_code_verifier() oauth_url, serial = build_oauth_url( country_code=country_code, domain=domain, market_place_id=market_place_id, code_verifier=code_verifier, serial=serial, with_username=with_username, ) oauth_resp = session.get(oauth_url) oauth_soup = get_soup(oauth_resp) login_inputs = get_inputs_from_soup(oauth_soup) login_inputs["email"] = username login_inputs["password"] = password metadata = meta_audible_app(USER_AGENT, base_url) login_inputs["metadata1"] = encrypt_metadata(metadata) method, url = get_next_action_from_soup(oauth_soup, {"name": "signIn"}) login_resp = session.request(method, url, data=login_inputs) login_soup = get_soup(login_resp) # check for captcha while check_for_captcha(login_soup): captcha_url = extract_captcha_url(login_soup) if captcha_callback: guess = captcha_callback(captcha_url) else: guess = default_captcha_callback(captcha_url) inputs = get_inputs_from_soup(login_soup) inputs["guess"] = guess inputs["use_image_captcha"] = "true" inputs["use_audio_captcha"] = "false" inputs["showPasswordChecked"] = "false" inputs["email"] = username inputs["password"] = password method, url = get_next_action_from_soup(login_soup, {"name": "signIn"}) login_resp = session.request(method, url, data=inputs) login_soup = get_soup(login_resp) # check for choice mfa # while check_for_choice_mfa(login_soup): inputs = get_inputs_from_soup(login_soup) for node in"div[data-a-input-name=otpDeviceContext]"): # auth-TOTP, auth-SMS, auth-VOICE if "auth-TOTP" in node["class"]: inp_node = node.find("input") if ( isinstance(inp_node, Tag) and isinstance(inp_node["name"], str) and isinstance(inp_node["value"], str) ): inputs[inp_node["name"]] = inp_node["value"] method, url = get_next_action_from_soup(login_soup) login_resp = session.request(method, url, data=inputs) login_soup = get_soup(login_resp) # check for mfa (otp_code) while check_for_mfa(login_soup): if otp_callback: otp_code = otp_callback() else: otp_code = default_otp_callback() inputs = get_inputs_from_soup(login_soup) inputs["otpCode"] = otp_code inputs["mfaSubmit"] = "Submit" inputs["rememberDevice"] = "false" method, url = get_next_action_from_soup(login_soup) login_resp = session.request(method, url, data=inputs) login_soup = get_soup(login_resp) # check for cvf while check_for_cvf(login_soup): if cvf_callback: cvf_code = cvf_callback() else: cvf_code = default_cvf_callback() inputs = get_inputs_from_soup(login_soup) method, url = get_next_action_from_soup(login_soup) login_resp = session.request(method, url, data=inputs) login_soup = get_soup(login_resp) inputs = get_inputs_from_soup(login_soup) inputs["action"] = "code" inputs["code"] = cvf_code method, url = get_next_action_from_soup(login_soup) login_resp = session.request(method, url, data=inputs) login_soup = get_soup(login_resp) # check for approval alert while check_for_approval_alert(login_soup): if approval_callback: approval_callback() else: default_approval_alert_callback() # url = login_soup.find(id="resend-approval-link")["href"] url = str(login_resp.url) login_resp = session.get(url) login_soup = get_soup(login_resp) while login_soup.find( "span", {"class": "transaction-approval-word-break"} ): # a-size-base-plus transaction-approval-word-break a-text-bold login_resp = session.get(url) login_soup = get_soup(login_resp)"still waiting for redirect") session.close() authcode_url = None if b"openid.oa2.authorization_code" in login_resp.url.query: authcode_url = login_resp.url elif len(login_resp.history) > 0: for history in login_resp.history: if b"openid.oa2.authorization_code" in history.url.query: authcode_url = history.url break if authcode_url is None: raise Exception("Login failed. Please check the log.") logger.debug("Login confirmed for %s", username) authorization_code = extract_code_from_url(authcode_url) return { "authorization_code": authorization_code, "code_verifier": code_verifier, "domain": domain, "serial": serial, }
[docs] def external_login( country_code: str, domain: str, market_place_id: str, serial: str | None = None, with_username: bool = False, login_url_callback: Callable[[str], str] | None = None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Gives the url to login with external browser and prompt for result. Note: If you are using MacOS and have trouble insert the login result url simply import the readline module in your script. See `#34 <>`_. Args: country_code: The country code for the Audible marketplace to login. domain: The top level domain for the Audible marketplace to login. market_place_id: The id for the Audible marketplace to login. serial: The device serial. If ``None`` a custom one will be created. with_username: If ``True`` login with Audible username instead of Amazon account. login_url_callback: A custom Callable for handling login with external browsers. If ``None`` :func:`default_login_url_callback` is used. Returns: An ``authorization_code``, a ``code_verifier`` and the ``device serial`` from the authorized Client. """ code_verifier = create_code_verifier() oauth_url, serial = build_oauth_url( country_code=country_code, domain=domain, market_place_id=market_place_id, code_verifier=code_verifier, serial=serial, with_username=with_username, ) if login_url_callback: _response_url = login_url_callback(oauth_url) else: _response_url = default_login_url_callback(oauth_url) response_url = httpx.URL(_response_url) parsed_url = parse_qs(response_url.query.decode()) authorization_code = parsed_url["openid.oa2.authorization_code"][0] return { "authorization_code": authorization_code, "code_verifier": code_verifier, "domain": domain, "serial": serial, }