Advanced Usage

Client classes

Here are some information about the Client and the AsyncClient classes.

Instantiate a client

A client needs at least an audible.Authenticator at instantiation. The following args and kwargs can be passed to the client instantiation:

  • country_code (overrides the country code set in audible.Authenticator)

  • headers (will be bypassed to the underlying httpx client)

  • timeout (will be bypassed to the underlying httpx client)

  • response_callback (custom response preparation - read more below)

  • all other kwargs (will be bypassed to the underlying httpx client)

Make API requests

Both client classes have the following methods to send requests to the external API:

  • get

  • post

  • delete

  • put

The external Audible API offers currently two API versions, 0.0 and 1.0. The Client use the 1.0 by default. So both terms are equal:

resp = client.get("library")
resp = client.get("1.0/library")

Each query parameter can be written as a separate keyword argument or you can merge them as a dict to the params keyword. So both terms are equal:

resp = client.get("library", response_groups="...", num_results=20)
resp = client.get(

The external Audible API awaits a request body in JSON format. You have to provide the body as a dict to the Client. The Client converts and sends them in JSON style to the API. You can send them like so:

resp =
    body={"asin": ASIN_OF_BOOK_TO_ADD}

The Audible API responses are in JSON format. The client converts them to a and output them as a Python dict.


For all known API endpoints take a look at API Endpoints.

Client responses

Added in version v0.8.0: The response_callback kwarg to client __init__, get, post, delete and put methods.

By default requesting the API with the client get, post, delete and put methods will call audible.client.raise_for_status() and try to convert the response with audible.client.convert_response_content() to a Python dict, which is finally returned.

If you want to implement your own response preparation, you can do:

def own_response_callback(resp):
    return resp

client = audible.Client(auth=..., response_callback=own_response_callback)

This will return the unprepared response (include headers).

Show/Change Marketplace

The currently selected marketplace can be shown with:


The marketplace can be changed with:



To get the profile for the user, which authentication data are used you can do this:

user_profile = client.get_user_profile()

# or from an Authenticator instance
user_profile = auth.user_profile()

To get the username only:

user_name = client.user_name

Switch User

If you work with multiple users you can do this:

# instantiate 1st user
auth = audible.Authenticator.from_file(FILENAME)

# instantiate 2nd user
auth2 = audible.Authenticator.from_file(FILENAME2)

# instantiate client with 1st user
client = audible.AudibleAPI(auth)

# now change user with auth2

# optional set default marketplace from 2nd user
client.switch_user(auth2, switch_to_default_marketplace=True)


The underlying Authenticator can be accessed via the auth attribute.

Authenticator classes

Deprecated since version v0.5.0: The LoginAuthenticator and the FileAuthenticator

Changed in version v0.6.0.

The LoginAuthenticator and the FileAuthenticator are removed from the Audible package.

Added in version v0.5.0: The Authenticator with the classmethods from_file and from_login

The Authenticator.from_login() classmethod is used to authorize an user and then authenticate requests with the received data. The Authenticator.from_file() classmethod is used to load previous saved authentication data.

With an Authenticator you can:

  • Save credentials to file with auth.to_file()

  • Deregister a previously registered device with auth.deregister_device().

  • Refresh an access token from a previously registered device with auth.refresh_access_token().

  • Get user profile with auth.user_profile(). Needs a valid access token.

To check if a access token is expired you can call:


Or to check the time left before token expires:


Activation Bytes

Added in version v0.4.0: Get activation bytes

Added in version v0.5.0: the extract param

To retrieve activation bytes an authentication Authenticator is needed.

The Activation bytes can be obtained like so:

activation_bytes = auth.get_activation_bytes()

# the whole activation blob can fetched with

The activation blob can be saved to file too:

activation_bytes = auth.get_activation_bytes(FILENAME)


Please only use this for gaining full access to your own audiobooks for archiving / converson / convenience. DeDRMed audiobooks should not be uploaded to open servers, torrents, or other methods of mass distribution. No help will be given to people doing such things. Authors, retailers, and publishers all need to make a living, so that they can continue to produce audiobooks for us to hear, and enjoy. Don’t be a parasite.


PDF urls received by the Audible API don’t work anymore. Authentication data are missing in the provided link. As a workaround you can do:

import audible
import httpx

auth = audible.Authenticator.from_file(...)  # or Authenticator.from_login
tld = auth.locale.domain

with httpx.Client(auth=auth) as client:
    resp = client.head(
    url = resp.url

Decrypting license

Responses from the POST /1.0/content/(string:asin)/licenserequest endpoint contains the encrypted license (voucher).

To decrypt the license response you can do:

from audible.aescipher import decrypt_voucher_from_licenserequest

dlr = decrypt_voucher_from_licenserequest(auth, lr)


Please only use this for gaining full access to your own audiobooks for archiving / converson / convenience. DeDRMed audiobooks should not be uploaded to open servers, torrents, or other methods of mass distribution. No help will be given to people doing such things. Authors, retailers, and publishers all need to make a living, so that they can continue to produce audiobooks for us to hear, and enjoy. Don’t be a parasite.