Register a Audible device


Clients are obtaining additional authentication data and information after registration a “virtual” Audible device.

To authorize and register a new device you can do:

auth = audible.Authenticator.from_login(

This will authorize you to your account and register an Audible device.


Every device registration will be shown on the Amazon devices list. So only register once and save your credentials or deregister the device before you close your session.


Authentication data obtained by a device registration are valid until deregister. Call auth.deregister_device() to deregister the current used device.

Call auth.deregister_device(deregister_all=True) to deregister ALL Audible devices. This function is helpful to remove hanging slots. This can happens if you registered a device and forgot to store the given authentication data or to deregister. This also deregister all other devices such as an Audible app on mobile devices. If you only want to remove one registration you can also open the amazon devices list on the the amazon website.


Deregister needs an valid access token. The authentication data from a device registration contains a refresh token. With these token, an access token can be renewed with auth.refresh_access_token().