
Here are some examples and ideas how to use this app. Everyone who will provide some examples are welcome.

Print number of books for every marketplace:

import audible

auth = audible.Authenticator.from_file(filename)
client = audible.Client(auth)
country_codes = ["de", "us", "ca", "uk", "au", "fr", "jp", "it", "in"]

for country in country_codes:
    library = client.get("library", num_results=1000)
    asins = [book["asin"] for book in library["items"]]
    print(f"Country: {client.marketplace.upper()} | Number of books: {len(asins)}")
    print(34* "-")

Get listening statistics aggragated month-over-month from 2021-03 to 2021-06:

import audible

auth = audible.Authenticator.from_file(filename)
client = audible.Client(auth)
with audible.Client(auth=auth) as client:
     stats = client.get(
         monthly_listening_interval_duration="3", #number of months to aggragate for
         monthly_listening_interval_start_date="2021-03", #start month for aggragation